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Who is Baldur in Aesir?

Baldur (pronounced “BALD-er;” Old Norse Baldr, Old English and Old High German Balder) is one of the Aesir gods. He’s the son of Odin and Frigg, the husband of the obscure goddess Nanna, and the father of the god Forseti. He’s loved by all the gods, goddesses, and beings of a more physical nature.

How big is Baldur fjords?

A ferry ride considerably shortens the route between the south and mid-west of the country and the West Fjords region. It also gives you the opportunity to experience a floating restaurant. WIFI on board. With a total gross tonnage of 1,677 tons, Baldur is 68.3 meters long and 11.6 meters wide.

Can you bring a pet on the Baldur ferry?

There are even designated areas where you can bring your pets. The ferry Baldur takes approximately two and a half hours to cross Breiðafjörður bay. This shaves an hour off of the car journey and enables you to focus on the wonderful surrounding nature, not just the road ahead.

Who wrote the story of Baldur?

This literary source is the Prose Edda of the medieval Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson. From this treatise on mythology and poetics comes the most complete account we have of the primary tale concerning Baldur, the story of his death and resurrection.

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